Now in the morning someone asks me the time, is 06:15. On January 15 in Japan I caught a string of incredible 5 times, start from scratch 20:15,

I look at smartphone already reloaded 22:15. Early someone asks me the time 06:15.
And a quick flagrant a watch in a street of 09:15.
I think about you and 15 is my battery 31%.
And I see in the morning, that your battery 100%.
It is by your face, I can see that you are waiting for more stories,
on this day 15/01/2014 n'est-ce pas Kusumi?
There is an issue around the 15 and 31 for Kusumi-san, many things still hidden, for you have quoted Koharu about main representation of Niigata in São Paulo, but I leave here shown publicly.
The main representation of Niigata in Brazil the adress is:
Street Pandiá Calógeras, nº 153 (fusion with your 15 and 31 , neighborhood Aclimação – São Paulo – SP - Zip Code 01525-020
(Close to Subway São Joaquim - 15 minutes. walking)
The representation of Saga is just across
Why Koharu and rain? Who will explain the feeling I get. I walked down a long avenue, exactly 15:00 started raining. Trying to protect me of rain, I went into a closer restaurant. When I got out, I looked at the number of the restaurant, it was number 15.
Other day, I went to a hotel, the number of my room was number 15. The day very hot, everybody expected the rain in afternoon or evening of October 14, however did not rain on day 14. Then came the October 15 at 00:01 started the first lightning. 00:32 rain started.
The nature capriciously waited the day 15 for the rain.
This is just small examples of constant meteorological phenomena and Kusumi Koharu
However the most impressive happened 2 days ago. 2014/01/13
Other day, I went to a hotel, the number of my room was number 15. The day very hot, everybody expected the rain in afternoon or evening of October 14, however did not rain on day 14. Then came the October 15 at 00:01 started the first lightning. 00:32 rain started.
The nature capriciously waited the day 15 for the rain.
This is just small examples of constant meteorological phenomena and Kusumi Koharu
However the most impressive happened 2 days ago. 2014/01/13
I was reading a very old encyclopedia, in a dusty library. Just when I turned the page, appeared the picture of lightning. At the same moment I heard a great noise of lightning in the sky, really a very loud bang. Then the rain fell, the most aggressive I've seen in my life. I looked for Smartphone was exactly 15:31.
Exactly Koharu Kusumi 15:31.
The rain was so aggressive that by the time, in just a town called Itaoca. 14 people died.
Exactly Koharu Kusumi 15:31.
The rain was so aggressive that by the time, in just a town called Itaoca. 14 people died.
Rare Mammutus Cloud on Jan. 12, anticipating the agressive rain in the sky.
On my smartphone played a music video, the first and the last scene on music video are crash of lightning. The perfect synchronicity, I opened the old encyclopedia, the strong sound of lightning, and the music video. Everything at once.
And after much death and destruction.
Was undoubtedly one of the most powerful demonstrations of power, I have witnessed and this is your Koharu. This is ours, we are in a direct process with the true spectrum with time. It all truths.
Flows through our lives. We are representatives of something to come. When established all columns here on Earth, then the Most High can show up with all the splendor.
There was a defiance against God. And God immediately showed his cholera. disciplining vehemently.
Never doubt their prowess and the precious blood that was paid.
Next the page with the lightning, have photo of horses, page 1415.
So here 2 more questions.
Why 2014 is the year of the horse? Could be 2015.
Why Koharu Rain and Horse?
This is the music video at the time of rain.
Wax - Right Between the Eyes. Undoubtedly one of the best things that born in the 80s. The fresh air I need.
So here 2 more questions.
Why 2014 is the year of the horse? Could be 2015.
Why Koharu Rain and Horse?
This is the music video at the time of rain.
Wax - Right Between the Eyes. Undoubtedly one of the best things that born in the 80s. The fresh air I need.