Thursday, August 2, 2012

The Neverending Story - Artax Scene

Maybe, right now this is the best place for you. God was so merciful, that placed you in the desert.
And the desert turned into mud for you Rob.
K22 this is not her and you know it.
The best place to overcome is the desert. Because of this Jesus was there. I searched for wisdom under the sun, you also will find there.

Sorry I did not know, I see nothing, I rarely read news 'm disconnected with this lost world, and you and your eternal silence. Sorry for not be near you.
Without the Wind's mystery, which blows at me. I never would know. Seeing you on a magazine cover in line at the supermarket and a few minutes with his head down on a movie poster. Why do these things happen to me. Why these things happen to you.
For just trying to show the truth, I suffered 2 assassination attempts, 31 july was the last, they almost caught me again and now I'm here, recluse. I left the Mud's death, but my shoes are still dirty and wait for more mud on my way. I do not ask God to turn the mud into a soft sand, I just ask, stronger boots to cross the eternal mud. I'm sure, you and me will climb that Mountain.
You will not die with 30 years, maybe 31.


#Marcel #Beliche #2Cavalos #2Covas #Ladeira #K22 #Rob #GQuack #Kusumi #3115 #Atreyu #Artax

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