Monday, June 8, 2015

Robokiss A.I. (Artificial Inteligence)

Just loved this song! \(^o^)/  however...
Pinchurin is very sad and concerned about Masaki.
What's going on, it is very frequently using the hospital.

So he can not to kiss!

Now ready mouth is free to kiss. Kiss Smack!!!

Taking advantage of Meimi you are with Masaki, incredible in my notebook, a quick draft about the Pinchurin Kiss along the line with Tamura.
I remember the post you wrote about one Darwin's quote.
You together in my draft, then few seconds after, I find the Robokiss, 
Meimi & Masaki on stage. Cool!

The big truth Meimi, is now! Darwin is the most responsible for the great crisis in science,
advances in nanotechnology, placed above the corpse of
old biology, blocking advances in considerable issues.
In the early Darwinian view the cell was something so simple,
how to fry an egg or make an omelette.
Now with our super nano eyes, we can see that a single cell, can be more complex as 
the new Space Telescope JWST. That will replace Hubble.

Richard Dawkins caressing so much their theories, Richard come on to play at the Casino of life, to find a single-celled be. Play at this casino, but do not try the number 777, but the 999, 
to achieve something close this evolutionary probability.

Wada & Miki I think this was another premonition
to another union, Angerme & Morning Musume

Then Miki Nonaka... ISAWADA - I SAW WADA!
Then 5 days after go UP! Uploaded the video with Wada Ayaka & Miki Nonaka
Did I already knew that !?

She Look UP, So Cute!

I was preparing a post, just to talk about funny things,
what is happening at the home of Ai Takahashi.
But I had to unite the Pinchurin Kiss Robokiss with A.I. Artificial Inteligence.

I saw on the video, I saw something curious Sato giving rope on Meimi to work. 
Before seeing this, I had this idea to the irreverent and static, Abe on a post of Aika.
No way will be all together and mixed!

To keep him in hibernation what to do, take the power outlet Stand by or totally OFF.

 Takahashi A.I. what's wrong with these toys and teddy, they are mechatronics, walking alone in the house, they sit on the couch of the house, watching television with you, open the refrigerator door.
I do not understand! 

Abe with another masterpiece, round and red,
what is this, is sculpture of the last art?

Among All these AAA
Abe, Ai, Aika

Perhaps those who have more notoriety in A.I.
is Kago AI

Already with the first drafts of this post, I happened to visit the AI's blog,
the latest article is Smith.
Another AI, one of the singular consciousness, most dangerous ever created.
Syncro incredible Ai! Amazing AI!

An old image that goes by Robokiss song.
Heart, feeling is microcircuits!
Scratching, a little broken, a little injured.

It was an old post of Haruka also I found an orange heart.

Today we do not have orange Juice!
Angerme + Morning Musume = ♥

I will end with another bonus, Angerme & Morning Musume, on this post i talked about, 
Meimi Tamura & Masaki Sato, 
Ayaka Wada & Miki Nonaka.

Now the third fusion Angerme & Morning Musume 
Sasaki Rikako & Sayashi Riho, 

This is SR. SRSRSRSSR could be a weird laugh 
Rikako & Riho born on the same day May 28.
Only lacked the two being the same color, 2 red or 2 yellow.

I wonder the Sayashi & Sasaki graduation party, on May 28, 2016.
Perhaps Sasaki, would be a graduation, very early!
It would be a celebration of great emotion and tears.

SR: Sorry PS: The correct pronunciation is Shang-Ai no Shan-Gai! 

Oh Yeah, She is Good!!! 
Very Good!! :D

Saturday, May 30, 2015

Pullman o Pão do Ursinho

Quando você entra no ramo da alimentação, você pode dizer para si mesmo, que é um homem de negocios esperto, inteligente e obviamente vai faturar muito dinheiro, já que estamos entrando em um mercado que representa 90% do PIB mundial, com uma demanda crescente absurda.

Mas pense principalmente no propósito, eu estarei alimentando pessoas, ajudando pessoas com suas barriguinhas nervosas. E qual seria a meta mais audaciosa para empresários nesse ramo, com certeza deve ser acabar com a fome no mundo, ou pelo menos uma grande cota de esforço para ameniza-lá.
Porém, vivemos em um planeta, que mesmo se você preparar um delicioso prato, e colocar diante de um miserável, e capaz dele não ter forças, nem vontade de levantar a colher e leva-lá até a boca.
E mesmo se você levar a colher até a boca do miserável, ele não terá vontade nem de abri-lá.

Nestes casos meus queridos, lave as mãos, sim lave as suas mãos, pois agora você vai se sentar em sua mesa farta, para comer com sua prospéra família. E para isso as mãos devem estarem limpas, e sua consciência também já estará, sua parte foi feita.
Para estas pessoas, para estes miseráveis, não restara apenas a busca pela comida, pois até o sagrado alimento irá rejeitar os seus corpos, e eles irão vomitar.
Eles devem buscar a consciência de que o pecado condeno-os. Para então começarem a caminhar mesmo sem pernas, e quem sabe plantar a primeira semente de arroz.

Sim a consciência cuidado talvez seja ela que cause os pesadelos, acho que tive 4 pesadelos hoje, acho que foi idéia do inconsciente,.O ultimo foi eu mais um amigo sendo perseguidos por um urso. Imagine o porte gigante de um urso, com a velocidade do Usain Bolt, te perseguindo pela floresta, depois te cercando em uma casa no meio da floresta, destruindo portas e janelas.

Mas sabe de uma, eu até me divirto é mais barato e mais realista, que parques com suas casas, castelos ou elevadores do terror. Mas poxa vida dias atrás, eu sonhei que estava brincando com tigres brancos, acariciando seu pelo macio, tanta paz, tantas maravilhas. Palavras que me levam a pensar no ursinho da Pullman um dos ursos mais belos e fofinhos que eu já vi, esta de parabéns o criador do ursinho. Por isso a Pullman recebeu o Selo Fuku-Chan do Amor.

Sabe eu vejo aqueles caminhões, carretas da Pullman com a grande imagem do ursinho, nas caóticas e congestionadas rodovias, você tira até um suspiro de alegria, quando vê o ursão fofão, sim aumentativo, porque agora ele esta bem grande!

De uma coisa eu tenho certeza se um dia você for atropelado por uma carreta da Pullman, você será atropelado com muita ternura e carinho. 
Veja o video, o tamanho da carreta com 2 conteiners e a velocidade como invadiu o acostamento, o ciclista era pra ter sido despedaçado, com pernas, braços e cabeça voando a dezenas de metros de distancia, mas sofreu apenas leve lesões.
Mesmo com toda a irresponsabilidade do caminhoneiro, ambos contaram com o milagre do Ursão Bimbão Fofão do Amor. Incrível a ternura salva!

Buscando por imagens do ursinho, olha só que eu achei Olivier Anquier.

O Francês não esquece e também não perdoa.

Aproveitando minha fase nostalgia Motown, neste clip não existe ursos só patos! Porque?
Este post se encaixaria perfeitamente em algum dia 20, de 3 ou mais decadas passadas,
Onde os corações talvez fossem mais... eu não dizer!

Não tinha apenas patos não, tinha outros bichos também, acho que vi um urso bem furioso também.
Senti um burburinho ali, outro acolá, estamos no negócio, agora as coisas mudam meu amigo.

We're Almost There! Estamos quase lá meus amigos, estamos quase lá. 
Homens de negócios não podem parar!

Ladies and gentlemen, The Jackson V.

Syncro 30

Thursday, May 28, 2015

Kevin's Temptation - The Wonder Years

Anos realmente incríveis Dragão Cesar. 
Incríveis também são os artistas e os autores desta vida. 
RT @cpeira @thefredsavage Madel(e)ine was the Kevin´s temptation in ‪#‎TheWonderYears‬

Friday, May 15, 2015

Kudo Haruka Arousing Passions

In 1974 me and you Haruka probably floated in quantum form, a field defined only by abstract maths.
Dirac Sea connected another universe, seawater of primitive Earth, we were just a amorphe substance, preserving our souls.

Saturday, May 2, 2015

Shunrei e o Poder da Oração

Nossa faz tanto tempo, essa imagem é de 2011, lembro que o plano de fundo do meu Windows 7 mudava a cada 10 minutos, estava assistindo aos Cavaleiros do Zodiaco, foi quando apareceu Shunrei e ao mesmo tempo o plano de fundo mudou, então apareceu essa bela flor atrás dela. 
Nesse episodio que por coincidência, ela foi presenteada por Shiryu com uma flor.
Pausei o video e fiz uma screenshot, não ficou bonito!?

Igual a Shiryu que conseguiu sentir as orações de Shunrei, eu também consigo sentir as orações de vocês, não importa a distância, vocês são realmente poderosos.
Sim distância, Shiryu em Athenas na Grecia, melhor dizendo, na entrada do inferno já na boca do Yomotsu-shikome (黄泉醜女) no mundo dos mortos, uma vez que alma cai dentro do Yomotsu ela jamais retorna. Enquanto Shunrei nas 5 Montanhas Antigas em Rozan na China, a oração de Shunrei alcançou Shiryu. 
Para o poder da oração não existe distância, não existe limites.

Uma curiosidade, apesar de fictício, há realmente um local chamado Rozan, (Lushan ou Monte Lu), que serviu de base para Masami Kurumada.
A Rozan verdadeira situa-se ao sul da cidade de Jiujiang, em Jiangxi, na República Popular da China, perto do lago Poyang. O seu ponto mais alto é o Pico Dahanyang. Foi declarado Património Mundial da Unesco em 1996. 

Já o Yomotsu, está a poucos metros de cada um de nós, se você quiser se lançar nele, vamos lance-se vá em frente!
Para que você seja forte, para que nenhum destino ruim venha recair sobre você, esteja atento a sabedoria do Mestre Ancião, Dohko de Libra:

"Shiryu imagine que o seu corpo sumiu, imagine que você não tenha nem carne, nem sangue que o torne pesado. Torne uma erva de pé contra o vento, com a raiz enterrada no chão e sua folhas no ar.
Não se deixe levar pelo vento, nem se oponha a ele. Quando chover transforme-se em uma pedra e fique aguentando a chuva que cai sobre você.
Você entendeu Shiryu, torne-se um dragão contra as cachoeiras e escale-as.
E torne-se uma montanha contra o mal, jamais se mova, mesmo que sua vida esteja em jogo.
Você entendeu Shiryu?"

Isto é Saint Seiya que poderia ser perfeitamente chamado de Saint Shiryu, com os tantos sacrifícios feitos pelo Cavaleiro de Dragão.
Logo após ter encontrado a antiga imagem de Shunrei com a grande flor ao fundo, eu encontrei essa bela edição do amigo Ton Brumadense. Bela recordação, alguns valores nunca mudam.
"Shunrei reza por Shiryu -Versão brasileira Gota Mágica, São Paulo."


Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Ori and the Blind Forest - Water Ginzo Tree Escape

Sorry for the spoiler, but it was necessary to talk about it.
Thinking about the difficult walk to the top, and soon after by everything to lose, throwing away all your effort, was then that the owl appeared. So long time, I do not see an owl and he appeared in the most convincing moment.

What apparently is a large fall or journey from resumption, is the development of its new path. 
The Ori scene escaped the drowning of the waters in Ginzo Tree illustrates perfectly well this reflection.

There is still a chance for you to escape without getting hurt, without drowning in the "waters", 
just you know how to choose the best way to restart.
See the price that was paid recently, how many little lives lost, just because you wanted it that way, his stubbornness and vanity, trying to make up for their mistakes, inventing philosophies to escape the truth, diverting his character, justifying saying to yourself, This is The New World!

An owl accompanied by 5 golden lion tamarins, trying to bring me a message.
When you break the branch of the tree, born 2 branches.
He hates the light ... Our light. It is therefore
Ori's goodness, would again save my child.

Continue to believe in that light in our light that never left us, and will never leave.
Seek the purpose, the meaning of his purpose, the only reason that you will do climb again.
Up there, the most beautiful forests and gardens waiting for you
The jewel of the precious happiness in the heart of each of you.

Sunday, March 15, 2015

Ori is a Letter-Love to 2D Games

I'm really happy when games are treated like art, and made by real artists.
Ori and the Blind Forest released on March 11, 4 days ago, it took 4 years to develop in all its poetic effort, touching on each polygon. Does polygon still exist or would gonos molecules or nanopolygon? Whatever!

It is impossible to make any polygon count, in this glorious moment in the history of video games, let's just enjoy and play. This is our rich uncle Bill Gates making us even happier. Developed by Moon Studios in Microsoft Studio's Nest, I always thought that whenever Microsoft with more effective presence in the world of games, always gave a new breath, launching the foundation stone for the super gamistics productions.
If Ori is the Microsoft of course, Ori is exclusive for XBox One and PC on Steam.

The Moon Studio impressed me for being a novice company, creating one of the most impressive games of all time. It reminded me a little bit the Treasure Studio, formed by former rebels developers of  Konami. It seems that the most awarded heads that was left, because the Treasure created fantastic treasure works, giving a programming lesson in the very Konami.
Moon Studio with Ori and the Blind Forest, managed to reach the apotheosis of 2D games.

"Ori and the Blind Forest". It is a story of love and maturation begins at a slow pace and serene, but when Ori accumulates skill, the game gets more frantic and dramatic, but without losing, even for a moment his magic touch.
Ori brings us to the traditional platform game, already dubbed "Metroidvania" (Metroid+Castlevania) by your system worlds connected by a single map to be unlocked according to the story evolves.

Ori is an orphan, a cute lighted little animal, a resident of Nibel forest, devastated by catastrophic events. Your goal, of course, is to help nature to recover its original form, corrupted by evil.
We must mention that "Ori and the Blind Forest" is a complete surprise in many ways. The incredibly animated backdrops and full of detail to the soundtrack. Every moment of the game, waves in lakes, movements in the trees, the flight with a feather above gorges, everything is very delicate and natural, brings to us a sense of peace.

The escape from Ginso tree is already one of the epic scenes in the history of video games, try to get there, is simply a very beautiful sequence of breathtaking.
Trust me, you will not tire of exploring the beautiful Nibel forest, much as the technical part hinders their way. Ori, for real, dies and is resurrected in the first 15 minutes of play, by his weakness in passive and aggressive Nibel environment.
Apparently Ori also becomes orphaned 2 times.

The music is superb, which honors the classics, struggling with Ori to restore a pure life, in this line different to what we are used to in video games a poetic experience,
unique atmosphere, precise controls and easy, even in the face of various skills; simple plot, the Ginso tree is one of the best sequences made in recent years.

My friends, when the branches are dry is a sign that the tree is dying.

Tuesday, March 3, 2015

Meimi Tamura, Tears of Joy

I love you, throughout land and all blue, do not understand, the violence when you will.
Only in my bed, I see that star that calls us, let me burn, as if tomorrow I were never again.

The miracle is already here to be, neither Halley is brightest than us.

The mystery, the spring sunshine, there of the saw, tears of love
That none of us ever cried.

And you do not need to cry, do not need to stay as it is,
if love is a normal thing,
between us.

Love, but do not understand what are.
Ocean, mountain is tidal water, precious Earth, a sky tone, opening in pink,
Will dawn, more a promise, to do.

I love you, as it is called your color?
Each day, opening the veil of our pain,
Light and drama, the river who has spent, now is mud.
Tears of love, that none of us ever cried.

And you do not need to cry, do not need to stay as it is,
if love is a normal thing,
between us.

Just as my friend Beto, I insist on living the greatest feeling.
Meimi, your tears of joy, are the tears of love, that is why, I love you.
This is what gives me strength, that's what moves me to a higher place.
That's what moves me, to you. 
Now Go to Mimi Meimi Mimi 
Mimi is Sleep :) zzZ.

Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Sato Queen Mystic Hands ♔

Wow does time, I remember the first time I used the expression, Sato Queen Mystic Hands,
was on October 30, 2012.

Now I see that over time she is developing, more and more their abilities and it has no limits, believe.

Do not worry no Sato, was weak because Oda is weird.
She succeeded in blocking time with the eyelids.

Suzuki: "No, do not hurt me!"

(´-`)ノ” .。oO  {{(>_<)}} 

Hey looks like Haruna not fall into that or don't want to face.
Haruna this your shirt, HaHaRuNaHa :D
Forget, after I speak!
♠ ♣ ♥ ♦

Duplicating the force - Double Shock

The smartass Mizuki drove on past.

Right between the eyes of Erina.
Augh!! That hurts.

More exploits.
This almost dropped the most dangerous witch. 
Michishige Sayumi.

✌ Queen Victoria ✌
●▬▬۩ஜSato Masaki Wins۩ஜ▬▬●

A tip for you Queen Sato. Always use your powers for the good, care, 
that hand movement, you almost destroyed Erina's vision.
Hone your skills to achieve the good, fully achieve the healing power.

Because is necessary special hands, to create a new fate, a new future.

Just a memory of the times, it was a princess.
I'm glad you two recovery so fast,
Kanon Suzuki & Sato Masaki
Bye Bye meeting you in Bangkok - THAILAND!!!

Gifs by musarusa - mejrathea - nichiyobin