Amélie - Audrey - Alizée - Adrian - Ayumi - Ale - Amu - Ana - Alexia - Ai - Aika - Aya - Asuka - Asami
Alizee Jacotey by singing Amélie. Audrey Tautou interprets Amelie Poulain.
Timidity of Amélie resembles shyness of Adrian of Rocky Balboa.
Aya Ishiguro you know through walls? Black white black white black white and some ideograms :)
And Ayumi Lumi Light few minutes ago, something amazing happened.
Someday I will speak.
Pour toutes les Femmes A Amour et Amitié..<<<< words written on June 23, 2013.
Today is January 7, 2014 Birthday of Ayumi, now 17 years old. I want to explain what happened 7 months ago >>>>> Imagine you walk by a place and find a very similar design characters that start their name 石田. Quickly came the thought of you Ayumi dry leaves.
At the same moment on a corner that has a lot of meaning for me, I look down and find your name on a card.
At once I thought of you Ayumi looked at the floor, and there was the card with your name.
This was really Ayumi very strong, very strong, thank you very much.
At the same moment on a corner that has a lot of meaning for me, I look down and find your name on a card.
At once I thought of you Ayumi looked at the floor, and there was the card with your name.
This was really Ayumi very strong, very strong, thank you very much.
Aya I took this photo that makes reference to black and white.
So I was thinking that your recipe, white and black was when I found this cloth with ideograms.
This piece of cloth I found in a very oppressive, small place, a nightmare in life. I made references to transmutations and superior capacity at the end of the post I talked to your birthday, and that game where few people can see the pieces on the board, I believe that on June 22, 2013, you intuitively understood my message. Thanks Aya, but I'm still trying to understand the real meaning, applied in the now. For questions to transmutation, I know exactly the importance of black and white on initiatic traditions.

Interestingly the white and black would be the wardrobe girls a few days later I found the cloth and your recipe.
Black and white are also the current video clips on their clothes, and who also took me by surprise right under the feet of girls.
Women, Tsunku B♂y knows things you can not imagine.
Harnessing the power of 7, currently day 7 the blog of Aya with 7077 readers, this is to make the connection with the moment Ayumi 7 and its 17 years. In a few moments I looked at the street and saw white BMW with plate 7077.
AYumi ISHIda - AYa ISHIguro. AYISHI almost sisters name and surname.
Almost sister name too, I Liked this ai♡ka
Aya would like your insight into the best of what I want to convey with this piece of black and white cloth and that ideograms. That same oppressive and depressing place where it was found that cloth transmutation happened. This entry this complicated like a chess game in which you are trapped, on the verge of take a checkmate.
Paying homage to the other Woman A, Alexia Graziela Furtado, was struck shot in the head, 2 days after I have done reference to violence with little Susie of Michael Jackson. I have no information about the current health status of Alexia, only 6 years old. I put everything in God's hands. And Ana Clara also 6 years old, today day 6 died carbonized body, after many days of suffering, a bus was torched by criminals in São Luiz do Maranhão. Your young mother only 22 also body burned severely.
Today also the death of Nelson Ned The small notable, 66 years of age, however little One the greatest singers.
In the West it is still January 6 and all 666. East 7th of January is all 777. Twitter 2 hours and 7 minutes just reviewing because talked a lot of rabbits previously. Amu with the image of a rabbit almost sacred. Amu is also a Woman A.
Did not find the rabbit, cut the tail of Ayumi, to prepare the Candy BomBom PomPom, recipe of Eripon
Happy Birthday Ayumi!
Reminding sweetness and shyness of Adrian, like Amelie.
For All Amazing Women A.
Video uploaded in 2013-04-07
Reminding sweetness and shyness of Adrian, like Amelie.
For All Amazing Women A.
Video uploaded in 2013-04-07
Solitaire, petit nuage rond
Dans le ciel, des formes à l'abandon...
La lumière, l'étincelle qui lui dit
Que la mienne se languit de lui, mais
J'appréhende l'ombre
Qu'il fait sur moi, quand ca n'va pas
Comprendre ses ombres,
L'aider s'il a, confiance en moi
Couper la machine, qui fait la pluie, changer la vie
Que tout est possible, c'est Amélie, qui me l'a dit...
Amélie a de l'or à donner
Mélodie de vie, c'est l'odyssée
L'Amélie c'est comme l'amitié
De la poésie au bout des lèvres
Amélie a de l'or à donner
Les mots d'Amélie sont pleins de miel
Amélie câline ou cajolée
Mélodie de vie, ode à la mienne
Solitaire dans mon photomaton
J'suis pas belle, mais c'est à l'unissons
Qu'on s'appelle, qu'on se cherche, on se suit, mais
Moi je veille. Amélie aussi.
Les lumières de mai
Elles si douces, si farouches
Dessinaient les gestes
Et du rouge, sur ma bouche ...
Mon maître à faire des galipettes
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