It was a long time ago, knew very little about Morning Musume. I remember my friend from Texas United States, she emphasized your channel on Youtube, Onna to Otoko no Lullaby Game and the photo of Reina in the background, dressed bunny. I asked her. Who is this sweetie girl, who looks like a cartoon character. Her name is Reina Tanaka of the Japanese group Morning Musume.
After a long time, I did a search for pictures on my computer, and saw the 2º picture. I had in HD, Reina was stamped with the number 2 in the photo (year 2011). The first was the screenshot of my friend from Texas, with background Lena Sama. These story about old image i will talk about later.
Then came the precious stone, the tragedy with my friend, the giant octopus Aquarius (Sayumi you returned to Aquarius), premonitions, train travel, Tokyo, CoConut on the ground, Home of Momusu, wrists, pain and Show by half and other things. I prefer to be reserved only for me, Aya and Sayumi. More or less how my story begins with Morning Musume.
I hope this magical story never ends.

Breaking News, Breaking News. This event will be one the most important in 2014, Marriage of Ai Takahashi.
I'm not a psychic, but the date of your wedding, coincides with the time of my last posting about you Takahashi http://glauxberg.blogspot.com.br/2013/12/i-am-ai-i-am-love-n-pain.html at 14:02pm. And 4 days after the news 2014-02-14 magic 2 e 14. 2月14日 (I'm writing on the machine 14) stop not want to be bombarded, enough October 14 this year.
Ai Takahashi finally "Tomou Juizo". http://ameblo.jp/takahashiai-blog/day-20131221.html
Becomes aware and help repair the love of people, BanZAI ZeZe, BanZAI ZeZe, BanzAi AiAiAi.
I have a habit of doing 2 things simultaneously. At the moment is writing this blog and watch video on the Internet. AND NOW ...
...Suddenly start to write Ai Ai Ai BanzAi... and Risa appears on Dailymotion Random Mode, starts singing Ai Ai Ai. Amazing Amazing, first time i watch this Takahashi. Really Great!
You can tell, that is only a story, but it is real. And I asking myself about Eri Kamei. then i found old photo above and video unintentionally.
Uta Doki - Niigaki Risa - Otoko por someboysblog
I just want to say something Takahashi. The union between love and pain is inevitable you already know this. In this next step, increasingly narrow, expect more ordeals dribbling the clutches of the enemy along with Koji Abe Kun.
A message for you directly from the 4th dimension, you can maintain chastity in the bonds of matrimony, to create the Divine Alchemy to Chemistry God. This is the mystery of mysteries that is slowly being revealed. An inserted in various mystical traditions secret.
I'm hoping that this is perfect alchemy between you 2. At least 2 years are already Koji and you are mixing the ingredients in this cauldron.
Whosoever will come after me,
let him deny himself (his desire)
and take up his cross (of Alchemy),
and follow me (by sacrificing for other).
Mark 8:34
Complex math: 455 likes Facebook 4+5+5=14. Too after so many comments I caught exactly count number 3014 comments.
Definitely the year of 3014, no sorry ;P definitely the year of 2014 is coming.
If this were 3014, the technology will be so advanced, that we will have cyborg babies. Small robots babies so KawaaAi!
Speaking about babies, I wish for you Ai Takahashi has 14 babies.
The Moonlight Light, It's great for your fertile period Takahashi, with FullMOOn of course.
♫♪Moonlight Light Wow Oh Ohh...!!!♫♪
I hope you and Koji, have much money, so many children to educate. But if not, borrows to Ri$$$$$a Scrooge's niece, in these hours is good to have rich friend.
14 babies in chastity, is really an alchemical miracle.
Wow will be many babies, have many babies like a bunny.
Ai Takahashi life asked you a proof and you proved that attitude to life that Love is more important.
Grazie Mille, Grazie Mille The Last Lamborghini Gallardo,14022 Cars. Photo by magazine 4 Rodas R$14,00 Page 22
Happy 2014
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